
Yaobin's Blog

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14 October 2021

A Process for Complicated Git Merges

by yaobin.wen

1. Overview

Today I learned from my director a process to do git merge when the merge itself has become complicated (e.g., involving many changes on the two branches).

It’s hard to define “complicated” so it depends on the engineering judgment to see if a merge is complicated enough to abandon the automatic git merge but use this process. Generally speaking, my rule of thumb is: If you need to spend a lot of time analyzing the “current” and “incoming” changes in order to figure out the correct merge and there can be a lot of such “in-depth” analysis during the merge, it’s likely that you need this process.

At its core, this process is a “rebase” of one branch (usually the feature branch) onto the other (usually the main branch), so it uses git rebase rather than git merge. But using git merge certainly works, too.

The process is described in the following sections.

2. The Scenario

The target scenario of this process is: When you are developing a feature on a feature branch and you want to merge the current changes that other developers have pushed onto main. You tried a quick git merge but you find the conflicts are not trivial at all and are too complicated to be resolved by a quick glance.

3. The Process

3.1 Communicate with Other Developers

Because this process is essentially a “rebase” which will inevitably result in a force-push, you need to make sure nobody else will be impacted by the force-push. Ask if anyone else is also using current feature branch. If somebody is using the branch, you and that developer need to figure out what to do with his/her local checkout of the feature branch. Possible options are:

3.2 Understanding the Changes

Since this is a “complicated merge” from main onto the feature branch and there are likely complicated conflicts, you need to understand the changes on both sides in order to perform a correct merge.

To understand the changes on main:

If you are the developer of the feature branch, you should be already familiar with the changes on the feature branch. If you are not the developer of the feature branch, you may want to follow the same process above to understand the changes.

Once you have a solid grasp of the changes on both sides, you can proceed to the next phase.

3.3 Rebase the Feature Branch onto main

Follow the steps below to do the rebasing and merging:

Tags: Tech